Sustainable Finance
Status Quo and Innovation

Invitation to participate in the third Sustainable Finance Study

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear colleagues, dear friends,

Every two years, the Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany conducts market surveys on the current state of sustainable finance in Germany. This time, the third market survey focuses on financing the transformation.

Germany can achieve a climate-friendly and sustainable economic system if existing business models are transformed. The transformation holds great economic opportunities, but also poses challenges for companies. The interface between the financial and real economy and the availability of capital play key roles. Thus, transformation financing is a key to implementing German climate protection and sustainability goals.

With this third market survey, which also serves to prepare the 6th German Sustainable Finance Summit, B.A.U.M., the Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany and the VfU will jointly pay close attention to the topic of transformation finance.

The market survey aims to show the extent to which transformation finance is used in Germany, what strengths and weaknesses currently exist and what measures should be taken to channel sufficient financial means into the transformation of the German economy.

The anonymous survey is available in German language only and will take a maximum of 10 minutes.

The teams of B.A.U.M., the Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany and VfU thank you for your participation.

Transparency is key to fostering an understanding of green and sustainable finance – both among financial sector players and the broader public. The Cluster aims at identifying climate-related risks and opportunities as well as mapping current sustainable finance activities in German financial markets.

GSFC Sustainable Finance Status Quo & Innovation

The Cluster regards climate and sustainability-related risks and opportunities and their relation to possible effects of regulatory change as well as the physical repercussions of climate change such as damages resulting from intense weather events and rising sea levels as highly relevant.

Against this backdrop, the Cluster is undertaking a mapping of current green and sustainable finance activities on German financial markets. The framework is designed to allow comparison with other financial centres around the world with regard to the individual circumstances of the German economic and financial system. The analysis will allow the Cluster to identify further development and innovation potential.