Cooperation with the Sustainable Finance Research Platform

Together with the Sustainable Finance Research Platform, the Cluster signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in October 2023.

The majority of planetary boundaries have been exceeded. Climate change, the decline in natural resources and the loss of biodiversity show that the world is facing significant challenges. Added to this are national and international conflicts, increasing trade barriers, vulnerable supply chains, overstretched education, health and care systems – societal challenges that we need to solve now and quickly. The transformation of the economy is therefore the central task of the 21st century. At the same time, disruptive technologies are developing, particularly in the field of digitalisation and artificial intelligence. These innovations will bring about system-wide changes. As a result, we can observe new developments in many areas, which, however, require a high level of financing in order to scale up successfully. Financing issues are therefore of central importance for the success of the necessary social transformation. On the one hand, the financing conditions must be made so attractive that private and institutional investors provide the necessary financial resources. On the other hand, further development of the financial market in the direction of impact requires effective interaction between financial market, climate and environmental regulation. Against the backdrop of these developments and challenges, the parties involved are laying the foundations for systematic cooperation in order to jointly promote and accelerate the development of the necessary framework conditions and solutions.