Metrics and Standards
The Cluster supports the ongoing harmonisation of existing frameworks, labels, key figures, etc. in relation to green and sustainable finance.
Existing approaches are to be evaluated, adapted and further developed to ensure their suitability for the specific needs of the German financial and real economy. In particular, this requires reliable data and their integration into established business processes. The establishment of a core business-related risk analysis of financial institutions based on the recommendations of the Financial Stability Board’s “Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure” (TCFD) represents a key action in this respect. Another focus lies on the development of a materiality-based reporting concept and measurement methods in all three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social and governmental (ESG).
The Cluster is also represented in the European Commission’s Technical expert group on sustainable finance and is thus actively involved in the development of the EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities.
TCFD workshop
The overall aim of the think tank is to form tangible and application-oriented recommendations for financial market players from the climate related financial disclosure task force (TCFD).