Green Bond Principles (GBP) &

Social Bond Principles (SBP) 2019

The Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany is pleased to host this year’s ICMA Sustainability Conference. After Paris and Hong Kong, the German financial center now joins in and gives the topic of sustainable finance another important platform.

The Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Green & Social Bond Principles for 2019 will take place this year on June 13, 2019 at the Palmengarten in Frankfurt am Main. It is reserved for members and observers of the GBP / SBP and will include an open discussion panel with moderation in addition to the formal points of the EPMA Executive Committee and the ICMA Secretariat.

We recommend signing up early to secure a seat at the conference. Please visit the event website for more information or to register. Interested parties interested in the sponsorship possibilities of the conference can contact Allan Malvar at ICMA.

The annual Green Bond Principles and Social Bond Principles conferences are the key global gatherings of all market participants and stakeholders for green, social and sustainable issues. The last conference in Hong Kong attracted more than 900 participants from all over the world in 2018.

Um den Klimawandel – dessen Auswirkungen längst spürbar sind – zu stoppen, sind enorme Investitionen notwendig. Deshalb setzen wir auf die Idee, dass auch privates Kapital nach den Prinzipien der Nachhaltigkeit angelegt wird. Ziel des Clusters ist es, diese Bewegung weiter zu fördern.”

Hessischer Wirtschaftsminister, Tarek Al-Wazir