Tarek Al-Wazir
Tarek Al-WazirHessian Minister for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Housing
born on January 3rd, 1971 in Offenbach am Main. After attending school in Offenbach, Sana’a (Yemen) and Frankfurt, he began studying political science in Frankfurt in 1992. While still being a student, he joined the Green Party in 1989 and was chairman of the Green Youth of Hesse from 1992 to 1994. In 1993 he became a member of the Offenbach City Council, and in 1995 he became a member of the Hessian State Parliament. From May 2000 he led the state parliamentary group of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, and from September 2007 he also became head of the state party, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Hessen. He resigned from both posts before being appointed Hesse’s Minister for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Regional Development (since 2019: Housing) and Vice Minister President of Hesse on January 18, 2014.
Kerstin Andreae
Kerstin AndreaeGerman Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW)
The economist has been Chair of the Executive Board of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) since November 2019. After graduating in 1996, she worked in project management at the Agency for Health and Spa Technology, MediKur in Hamm, at the Social Science Women’s Research Institute and at a financial services provider in the wind energy sector. She was a member of the German Parliament for Bündnis 90/ DIE GRÜNEN for 17 years. Amongst others, she was deputy chair of the parliamentary group and responsible for the coordination of economic, budgetary, financial, labor and social policy.
Prof. Dr. Christina E. Bannier
Prof. Dr. Christina E. Bannier Justus-Liebig-University Gießen
Christina Bannier is Professor of Banking and Finance at the Justus-Liebig-University in Gießen and Head of the Sustainable Governance Lab. Among other things, she is a member of the Supervisory Board of DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA, Clearstream Banking AG and Eurex Clearing AG, as well as on the board of the German Association for Financial Analysis and Asset Management (DVFA). Together with Julia Redenius-Hövermann, she heads the expert group for the development of guidelines for sustainable governance in SMEs. Her work and research focuses on sustainable finance, corporate governance and data analytics.
Prof. Dr. Alexander Bassen
Prof. Dr. Alexander BassenUniversity of Hamburg
Alexander Bassen is a full professor of capital markets and management at the University of Hamburg, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Science (Germany). He teaches courses in finance and investment, ESG and capital markets and reporting. Alex is a member of the German Council for Sustainable Development – advisory body of the German Federal Government, the Sustainable Finance Advisory Council of the German Federal Government, and the German Advisory Council on Global Change of the German Federal Government. He is an Honorary Research Associate at the University of Oxford (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment) and a Visiting Professor at the Hong Kong Baptist University. In addition, he serves as a member on several advisory committees for Sustainable Finance.
Katharina Beck
Katharina BeckBündnis 90/Die GRÜNEN
Katharina Beck has been a member of the Bundestag for Hamburg since 2021. She is the financial policy spokesperson of the Bündnis 90/Die GRÜNEN parliamentary group and deputy chairperson of the Finance Committee of the German Bundestag.
Before entering the Bundestag, Katharina Beck worked as a management consultant for sustainability with DAX companies and their executive boards and as a supervisory board member in an educational fintech. In addition to her mandate, she is also a member of the Board of Directors of KfW and on the Board of Trustees of the Stiftung Verantwortungseigentum (Responsible Ownership Foundation).
Dr. Kati Beiersdorf
Dr. Kati BeiersdorfAccounting Standards Committee of Germany (DRSC)
Dr. Kati Beiersdorf, CPA is currently Technical Director at the Accounting Standards Committee of Germany (DRSC) where she is working in the area of sustainability reporting. Previously she was a member of the German Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel. Former work experience includes Project Leader in the International Reporting Group of RBS (now Mazars), Project Management at the DRSC and internal auditing in a bank. She also served in the IASB international working group for Small and Medium-sized Entities (SMEs), and EFRAG European working group on that topic. Dr. Beiersdorf received her Diploma from the Humboldt Universität Berlin, holds a doctoral degree from the Technische Universität Berlin (with a thesis on Sustainability Reporting) and is a CPA licensed in Washington State, USA.
Klaus Beinke
Klaus BeinkeDVFA GmbH
Klaus Beinke is an experienced expert in the field of Executive Education with over 30 years of professional experience. Since 2020, Klaus has been Managing Director of the German Association for Financial Analysis and Asset Management GmbH (DVFA). Previously, he spent 25 years in the management of a private business school, where he was responsible for the development of Professional and Executive Education as well as the Online Academy.
Robert Bluhm
Robert BluhmUniversal-Investment
As Group Head of Sustainability for the Universal Investment Group, Robert Bluhm is responsible for the sustainability strategy and the integration of sustainability in all business areas. Since joining the company in 2019, he has been working with all partners of Universal Investment on a better understanding and more transparent implementation of ESG.
After graduating from Maastricht University with a Master of Science in international business administration, Bluhm started as a consultant in Munich in 2012. After this station, he moved to asset management boutique Bantleon in 2015, where he optimised the structure of the Bantleon Group as Head of Projects & Operations, first in Switzerland and then in Frankfurt.
Jenny Bofinger-Schuster
Jenny Bofinger-SchusterISSB
Jenny Bofinger-Schuster was appointed as a full-time member of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) in August 2022, effective 1 December 2022. Prior to joining the ISSB, Ms Bofinger-Schuster served as Senior Vice President for sustainability and operational excellence at Siemens. In this role she was responsible for developing the company’s sustainability strategy and for implementing new disclosure requirements. Prior to this she held senior positions at Siemens Management Consulting and Horváth & Partners Management Consultants.
Ms Bofinger-Schuster holds a Diploma in Business Administration from the University of Augsburg and an MBA from the University of Dayton, Ohio.
Simon Braaksma
Simon BraaksmaRoyal Philips
Simon Braaksma has been responsible for Philips’ internal and external sustainability reporting, including its integrated Annual Reports for the past 15 years. Next to this, he is responsible for Philips’ engagement with ESG investors and the company’s climate action program. Simon was also involved with the WEF Stakeholder Capitalism framework development and is engaged with the IFRS sustainability reporting standards development. He also has extensive experience with ESG rating agencies and investor surveys. Simon sits on EFRAG’s Sustainability Reporting Board, representing the Dutch standard setter, and leads two ESG working groups in the Netherlands.
Prof. Dr. Timo Busch
Prof. Dr. Timo BuschUniversity of Hamburg
Timo Busch is a full professor at the School of Business, Economics and Social Science of University of Hamburg (Germany) and Senior Fellow at the Center for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth of University of Zurich (Switzerland). He gives lectures at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich and taught at the Duisenberg School of Finance (The Netherlands). Timo Busch had several research stays including John Molson School of Business (Canada), Amsterdam Business School (The Netherlands), Nanyang Business School (Singapore), and University of Berkeley (US). He was United Nations delegate at the Rio +20 Conference on Sustainable Development. Timo Busch is a member of the Scientific Board of the Association for Environmental Management and Sustainability in Financial Institutions (VfU). He is a member of the editorial board of the journals Organization & Environment, Journal of Business Ethics, and Business Strategy and the Environment.
Dr. Marcus Chromik
Dr. Marcus ChromikCommerzbank
Dr. Marcus Chromik has been Chief Risk Officer of Commerzbank AG since January 2016. He currently heads six key departments which include Big Data & Advanced Analytics, Credit Risk Management, Cyber Risk & Information Security, Risk Control and Compliance. Dr. Chromik began his work at Commerzbank in 2009 as Divisional Board Member responsible for Market Risk, followed by heading the Credit Risk function from 2012 to 2015. Having obtained a doctorate in physics in 2001, Dr. Chromik started his career at McKinsey, followed by several management positions at Deutsche Postbank AG.
Alessandro d'Eri
Alessandro d'EriESMA
Alessandro d’Eri joined ESMA as senior policy officer in the Investor Protection and Sustainable Finance Department in 2016. In this capacity, he is responsible for ESMA’s Sustainability Reporting Working Group which gathers on a regular basis European enforcers to discuss common supervisory issues and develop draft ESMA’s positions with respect to sustainability reporting. He also represents ESMA as an officially appointed observer at the Sustainability Reporting Board of EFRAG. Prior to joining ESMA, Alessandro worked in the accounting policy department of a listed insurance group. Before then, he served as research assistant at the University of Roma Tre and as technical staff at the International Accounting Standards Board – IASB. Alessandro holds a PhD in business studies and he is a certified auditor.
François Delattre
François DelattreAmbassador of France to Germany
Born on November 15, 1963 in Saint-Marcellin (France), a French national, François DELATTRE is a graduate of the Institut d’études politiques (IEP) in Paris and the École nationale d’administration.
He was appointed Secretary General of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs on July 1, 2019.
François DELATTRE was the Ambassador, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations Organization from September 2014 to July 2019. He previously served for nearly four years as Ambassador of France to the United States (2011-2014), after being Ambassador of France to Canada (2008-2011), French Consul General in New York City (2004-2008), and Press and Communications Director at the French Embassy in Washington, D.C. (1998-2002).
A devoted practitioner of economic diplomacy, he is also an expert in European and transatlantic defense and security. He was in charge of these issues on the diplomatic team (1995-1998) of the French President, Jacques Chirac, where he was also responsible for monitoring the crisis in Bosnia. He furthermore served as an advisor on these issues (1993-1995) in the Office of French Foreign Minister, Alain Juppé, after two years with the Department of Strategic Affairs and Disarmament in the French Foreign Minister’s Office (1991-1993).
François DELATTRE also held the office of Deputy Chief of Staff (2002-2004) to the French Foreign Minister, Dominique de Villepin. Lastly, he was posted to the French Embassy in Bonn, Germany (1989-1991), where he was responsible for environmental affairs and the economic integration of Germany after the reunification.
Katharina Doedens
Katharina DoedensLBBW
Katharina Doedens is head of LBBW’s central ESG unit since May 2023. Together with her team, she is responsible for the strategic development of ESG issues at LBBW, the exchange with initiatives, associations and rating agencies, the assessment and implementation of regulatory requirements and the preparation of sustainability reports and other disclosures. She has experience in strategic management in different functions of a bank and a legal background.
Dr. Andreas Dressel
Dr. Andreas DresselFinance Senator of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
Dr. Andreas Dressel has been Finance Senator of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg since 2018. He has been a member of the SPD since 1993 and has held numerous positions there since then. From 2004 to 2018, Andreas Dressel was also a member of the Hamburg parliament, including seven years as chairman of the SPD parliamentary group. He volunteers in various social organizations.
Prof. Dr. Laura Marie Edinger-Schons
Prof. Dr. Laura Marie Edinger-SchonsUniversity Hamburg
Laura Marie Edinger-Schons is a Professor of Sustainable Business at the University of Hamburg and also serves as the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) of the University of Hamburg. Her research focuses on how organizations, both for-profit and nonprofit, can contribute to sustainable development in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Her work has been published in prestigious academic journals and has received numerous awards. In 2019, she was named one of the Top 40 under 40 by the magazine Capital.
Oliver Ewald
Oliver EwaldCommerzbank
Oliver Ewald is Head of Capital & Risk Analytics and Chief Environmental Risk Officer (CERO) at Commerzbank AG. In his role as CERO, he is responsible for the Net Zero (SBTI / CO2) management of the bank’s credit and investment portfolio as well as for the overall controlling of environmental risks and their inclusion in the overall bank risk management framework. Within the scope of various management positions, he was previously responsible for a wide range of topics in Risk Control / Risk Management as well as in the area of Big Data & Advanced Analytics. Mr. Ewald studied industrial engineering at TU Darmstadt.
Jill Gallard
Jill GallardBritish Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany
Jill Gallard CMG was appointed British Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany on 11 November 2020. Before joining the Embassy, she was the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s Deputy Political Director (2018-2020) and Director of Human Resources (2014-2018). From 2011 to 2014 Jill served as British Ambassador to Portugal.
Since joining the Diplomatic Service in 1991, her career in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development office has focussed on Europe with postings in Prague, Madrid and at the European Commission in Brussels. She has also had a wide range of jobs in London, mainly working on the EU and wider Europe.
Nahid Ghulami
Nahid GhulamiMSCI
Nahid Ghulami, ESG Advisor at MSCI, supports financial institutions in the DACH region in integrating ESG and climate strategies into their investment processes. She plays an important role in the consideration of ESG factors in investment decisions and risk assessments. In her position at MSCI, she keeps a close pulse on what is happening in the market and follows regulatory requirements in the area of ESG disclosure and reporting as well as global ESG trends and requirements. She is in active exchange with various players in the ESG market.
Kai Gloystein
Kai GloysteinKnorr-Bremse AG
Kai Gloystein joined Knorr-Bremse AG in 2018, responsible for group-wide Treasury activities based in Munich Headquarter with Treasury Hubs in Hong Kong and the US.
Kai joined Knorr-Bremse from Jungheinrich AG where he worked in a similar role as Group Treasurer. He started his career in Corporate Banking at Deutsche Bank AG and also worked for The Royal Bank of Scotland plc before he became a Corporate Treasurer in 2009.
Dr. Florian Gräßler
Dr. Florian GräßlerAssociation of Municipal Enterprises - Saxony Regional Group
Dr. Gräßler studied political science and government in Dresden and Chemnitz from 2006 to 2014. From 2015 to 2017, he was coordinator of the German delegation to the Committee of the Regions in Brussels. Following this, he was the Head of the VKU European Office in Brussels until 2020. Since 2020, he has been the Managing Director of the VKU Saxony Regional Group in Dresden.
Dr. Andreas Gruber
Dr. Andreas GruberDKB
Dr Andreas Gruber is the first Chief Sustainability Officer of DKB AG. As CSO, he is responsible for the strategic bundling of sustainability issues and for strengthening the exchange on sustainable finance. Dr Andreas Gruber is also active in external bodies: he is an expert in the data and digitalisation working group of the German Federal Government’s Sustainable Finance Advisory Committee, a representative of DKB AG in the Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany and deputy head of the Sustainable Finance Commission of The Association of German Public Banks (VÖB).
Dr. Teresa Haller-Mangold
Dr. Teresa Haller-MangoldNexperia
Dr. Teresa Haller-Mangold is Senior Director Sustainability at Nexperia. There she manages the sustainability-related activities of the global semiconductor manufacturer. Previously, she was responsible for the European sustainability department at Konica Minolta and, as Head of Sustainability, Communications, People & Culture at the medium-sized retail company Hoyer Handel, for sustainability-orientated cultural development, sustainability reporting and strategy, among other things. Dr Haller-Mangold holds a degree in cultural economics (University of Passau), completed her doctorate at the Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM) at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg on the subject of sustainability brand management and is a certified systemic coach.
Christian Heller
Christian HellerSustainable Finance-Beirat der Bundesregierung
Christian Heller is Vice President at BASF SE and seconded as CEO to the Value Balancing Alliance e.V. The non-profit association develops and tests new accounting methods with the real and financial economy in order to capture the impact of business activities on society and nature in monetary terms.
Christian Heller is Vice Chairperson of the Sustainable Finance Advisory Committee to the Federal Government of Germany, has coordinated the successful application of the city of Frankfurt to host the ISSB and – among other positions – contributes to the G7 Impact Task Force.
Dr. Tobias Horn
Dr. Tobias HornDeutsche Bank AG
Tobias is Director in DB’s Risk Management function. The main focus of his work is risk appetite, risk analytics and reporting of the risk profile of private clients. This includes also strategic topics impacting DB’s Private Client portfolio, like ESG. Tobias is DB’s representative in several working groups in national and international ESG initiatives (like UN EP FI, NBZA, NZBAG…). Recently, he contributed to DB’s publication on „Residential Real Estate – Leading to Net Zero”.
He graduated from Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg, Germany (diploma in Mathematics) and Goethe-University of Frankfurt (Master of Finance and Accounting). He received his doctoral degree from University of Heidelberg.
Nils Hums
Nils HumsNet Zero Banking Alliance Germany
Nils Hums is heading the Net Zero Banking Alliance Germany (NZBAG) and supports the Cluster as Sustainable Finance expert with a view to the strategic further development of existing and new projects and formats.
He has gained several years of professional experience in the financial industry in the field of sustainability and sustainable finance. In addition, he has accompanied the cluster since its inception in various roles and functions – both operationally and conceptually.
He holds a master’s degree in economic sociology from the University of Trier.
Torsten Jäger
Torsten JägerBundesverband deutscher Banken
Torsten Jäger is responsible for Sustainable Finance at the German Bankers Association, where he heads the team of the same name. In this function, he is close to regulation and follows the various Sustainable Finance initiatives at international, European and national level and is in regular exchange with the relevant EU institutions and supervisory authorities (EU-COM, EBA, ECB, BaFin and Bundesbank). He is a member of various working groups of the European Banking Federation (EBF) as well as the International Banking Federation (IBFed). He has 17 years of experience in supervisory law and risk management and previously worked for the management consultancy zeb/, DZ BANK in London and Berliner Volksbank.
Roberto Jaguaribe
Roberto JaguaribeAmbassador of Brazil to the Federal Republic of Germany
Roberto Jaguaribe was born in Rio de Janeiro on December 27, 1952. He holds a degree in Systems Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, having acceded the diplomatic career through a public entrance exam in 1978. Throughout his career, he has held high-level positions both abroad and in Brazil in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as in other federal agencies of the Brazilian Government.
He served in the Mission of Brazil to the United Nations in New York (1983-87), and at the Embassy of Brazil in Montevideo (1987-90). He headed the sections of Intellectual Property and Disarmament in the Mission of Brazil to the UN in Geneva (1993-95). He also served as Minister Counselor – Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) – at the Embassy of Brazil in Washington, DC (2000-03).
At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Brasilia, he was head of the division of Intellectual Property and Sensitive Technologies (1992); Director-General of the Department of Commercial Promotion (1998-2000); and Undersecretary of Political Affairs for Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific (2007-10).
In other areas of the federal government, he has served as Secretary of International Affairs at the Ministry of Planning and Budget (1995-98) and as Secretary of Industrial Technology at the Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services (2003-05). He also served as President of the National Institute of Industrial Property – INPI (2005-07). He also served as president of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency – Apex-Brasil (2016-2018).
He was Ambassador of Brazil to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (2010-15) and to the People’s Republic of China and the People’s Republic of Mongolia (2015-16).
Since February 2019, he is the Ambassador of Brazil to the Federal Republic of Germany.
Dr. Christopher Jahns
Dr. Christopher JahnsXU sustainable
Dr. Christopher Jahns is a scientist, entrepreneur and founder and CEO of XU sustainable, provider of a learning experience platform for sustainability in a corporate context. He also acts as Board Member for Sustainability & Development of the professional handball team Füchse Berlin. Christopher is very committed to the advancement of young people, is among others LinkedIn Top Voice for Sustainability and former Young Global Leader of the WEF World Economic Forum, Davos.
Tim Janßen
Tim JanßenC2C NGO
Tim Janßen is co-founder and executive director of Cradle to Cradle NGO. With C2C NGO, he has been driving the anchoring of the Cradle to Cradle school of thought and design concept in business and politics since 2012 and implements C2C lighthouse projects such as the C2C LAB in Berlin. He has been a popular expert on C2C innovation, circular business models, and green entrepreneurship for about 10 years and speaks about it at events, as a guest commentator and interview partner in print media and digital formats, and with policy makers. Janßen also teaches at various German universities.
Kristina Jeromin
Kristina JerominGreen and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany
Kristina Jeromin is Managing Director of the Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany. She worked for Deutsche Börse Group from 2009 to 2020, where she was initially responsible for internal and external communication on sustainability issues. Since 2015 she acted as Head of Group Sustainability and was responsible for the group-wide sustainability management of the company, in its roles as an international capital market organizer and as listed DAX company. Since 2018 Kristina Jeromin is Managing Director of the Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany. She is member of the Sustainable Finance Advisory Board of the German Federal Government and was its Vice Chair from 2019 until 2021. Kristina Jeromin is also member of the German Society of the Club of Rome.
Thomas Kehl
Thomas KehlCo-Founder Finanzfluss
Thomas Kehl, once an investment banker, is nowadays a successful media entrepreneur and bestselling author, dedicated to the mission of explaining the complex world of finance to individuals in a simple and understandable manner.
Together with his co-founder Arno, Thomas launched FINANZFLUSS in 2016 – a success story that has grown into the largest finance community in the German-speaking region. Through various social media channels, the financial expert reaches millions of followers every month.
Prof. Dr. Christian Klein
Prof. Dr. Christian KleinUniveristy of Kassel
Christian Klein is Professor of Sustainable Finance at the University of Kassel. His research interests include measuring the contribution that sustainable investment products can make to achieving sustainability goals and the underlying motivation of investors with a sustainable approach. He is a member of the Wissenschaftsplattform Sustainable Finance (WPSF) and active in several scientific advisory boards of various Sustainable Finance organizations, as well as Chair of the Sustainability Advisory Board of Bayer AG.
Dr Friederike (Fritzi) Köhler-Geib
Dr Friederike (Fritzi) Köhler-GeibKfW Group
Dr Friederike (Fritzi) Köhler-Geib is Chief Economist of KfW Group and Head of KfW Research. Prior to this, she spent more than 10 years at the World Bank, most recently in the position of Lead Economist and Programme Leader for Central America.
She studied Economics in the USA, France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland. As Chief Economist of KfW Group, she analyses trends relevant for KfW in the economy, society and on the financial markets and brings a new dynamic to the economic and financial policy debate. The focus of her work lies in the analyses of economic developments and growth trends in Germany. A particular focus is placed on small and medium-sized enterprises and the role of innovation and digitalisation in improving competitiveness, as well as issues related to the goal of a climate-neutral economy. Furthermore, Dr Fritzi Köhler-Geib also actively addresses economic policy connections between Germany, Europe and the world.
Daniel Kollbach
Daniel KollbachStadtwerke Schüttorf-Emsbüren GmbH and Trink- und Abwasserverband Bad Bentheim, Schüttorf, Salzbergen and Emsbüren
Mr Kollbach has been Managing Director of Stadtwerke Schüttorf-Emsbüren GmbH and Trink- und Abwasserverband Bad Bentheim, Schüttorf, Salzbergen and Emsbüren since 2020. He has worked for Stadtwerke Gronau in various positions since 2001: Trained as an energy electronics technician, electrician, project manager for waterworks, project manager for electricity, head of the network control room, head of the operational technical division. In the course of his professional development, he completed the educational path to master craftsman in electrical engineering and metal on the side, completed a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering, obtained a master’s degree as a network engineer for electricity, gas and water and deepened his qualifications with an MBA&Eng. in industrial engineering.
Roland Kölsch
Roland KölschQNG/FNG Siegel
Roland Kölsch, former conventional and SRI fund manager, is Managing Director of the Qualitätssicherungsgesellschaft Nachhaltiger Geldanlagen (QNG), which is among others responsible for the German-language SRI quality standard FNG-Siegel. He has been active in the field of sustainable investments since 2005 in Brussels, Germany, Switzerland and Paris. Besides university lectures, he currently also contributes his expertise to EU working groups on Sustainable Finance. In his private life, rowing is his passion.
Jakob Kunzlmann
Jakob KunzlmannBertelsmann Foundation
Jakob Kunzlmann is head of the Sustainable Value Creation unit in the Sustainable Business Project at the Bertelsmann Foundation. He is responsible for studies on sustainability reporting, business transformation, and impact measurement & valuation. He has worked in policy consulting and academia on CSR and sustainability and loves to travel in the mountains.
Marcus Küster
Marcus KüsterHAL Privatbank
Marcus Küster is Head of Philanthropy and Foundations at HAL Privatbank and Board Member for Finance and Sustainability at Deutsche Muskelschwundhilfe e.V. Previously, he was Branch Manager at a major bank and then Senior Family Officer for many years. In addition to other voluntary activities at the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea Foundation (Niedersächsischen Wattenmeerstiftung) and the Hamburg Spendenparlament e.V., he is involved in cooperation with the Association of German Foundations and the German Fundraising Association.
Thomas Kusterer
Thomas KustererEnBW
Having graduated from the University of Mannheim with a degree in business management, Thomas Kusterer embarked on his career in 1994 at KPMG.
After spending ten years working in the audit and corporate finance departments at KPMG, Thomas Kusterer joined EnBW in 2004. He was initially the Head of Accounting and Taxation, before being appointed as Senior Vice President of Finance at the EnBW Group in 2008.
Thomas Kusterer became CFO of EDF Energy in London in 2009; he has been CFO at EnBW since 2011. As part of this role, he is involved in international organizations such as the IIRC and TCFD, dealing with transparency and sustainability matters in the financial sector.
Katrin Lässig
Katrin Lässig Mitteldeutsche Airport Holding
Employed at Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG since 2019, currently as Senior Vice President Sustainability & Real Estate since 2022. Responsible for the implementation of the sustainability strategy, sustainability reporting in accordance with CSRD and the non-aviation sector. After completing her training as a bank clerk (IHK), she studied at the Berlin School of Economics and Law and graduated with a degree in business administration (FH), specialising in marketing and human resources/organisation. At the same time, she began a distance learning course in “CSR and Sustainability Management” in 2003, which continues to this day. Stages of her professional career also include companies such as Thomas Cook AG and Flughafen Dresden GmbH.
Dr. Katrin Leonhardt
Dr. Katrin LeonhardtSächsische Aufbaubank – Förderbank – (SAB)
She has a PhD in economics and is the CEO development bank of the Federal State of Saxony since July 2020. Since June 2022 she is member of the Sustainable Finance Advisory Board of the German government. From 1994 to 200, she was an advisor or head of unit for housing promotion at the State Ministry of Saxony. After that, she worked 20 years at KfW and was responsible, amongst others, as Director for the business areas Individual Financing & Public Customer or SME.
Dr. Gerd Lippold
Dr. Gerd LippoldStaatssekretär des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums für Energie, Klimaschutz, Umwelt und Landwirtschaft
Dr. Lippold has been State Secretary for Energy, Climate Change, Environment and Agriculture since December 2019. After graduating from high school, he studied physics in Leipzig and subsequently earned his doctorate in the field of semiconductor physics. From 1992 till 2000, he was a project manager in research and technology development. Until 2020, he was a member of the Bündnis 90/ DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary group and spokesman for energy and climate policy as well as business, technology and tourism.
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Lopatta
Prof. Dr. Kerstin LopattaUniversity of Hamburg
Kerstin Lopatta is Chair Professor of Financial Accounting, Auditing and Sustainability at the University of Hamburg. Furthermore, she is affiliated with City University of Hong Kong as a visting professor. She received her doctoral degree from Goethe University Frankfurt. Kerstin has extensive experience in sustainability reporting and financial accounting in practice and research. Before starting her scientific career, she worked as an audit assistant for Deloitte. She is the vice chair of the EFRAG SRB and a member of the Sustainability Reporting Technical Committee of the ASCG. She is on the Sustainable Finance Committee of the German Ministry of Finance and co-reviewed the adaptation of the German Sustainability Code to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the EU Taxonomy. During her career Kerstin completed several international research stays including at City University of Hong Kong, New York University’s Stern School of Business, and Copenhagen Business School. In her research, she investigates empirically the effects of environmental, social, and governance factors on business and society. She also covers corporate governance topics such as board structure and diversity. Her work is published in top tier journals like The Accounting Review, Strategic Management Journal and European Accounting Review. Kerstin Lopatta is member of the supervisory board at EQS Group AG, Freenet AG, EUROKAI GmbH & Co. KGaA and chair of the audit committee at EQS Group AG.
Katharina Lütkehermöller
Katharina LütkehermöllerLBBW
Katharina Lütkehermöller has joined LBBW’s ESG Strategy and Management Team in September 2023. She leads the development of LBBW´s climate strategy and measures. Katharina has more than 10years experience working on sustainable finance, climate policy and climate finance that she acquired through her work with NewClimate Institute, UNEP FI and CDP.
Matthias Lux
Matthias LuxStadtwerke Halle
Mr. Lux joined the Management Board of Stadtwerke Halle GmbH in 2008 and has been the chair of the Management Board since 2011. After studying economics at the University of Göttingen, he worked as a consultant at Rödl & Partner in Nuremberg from 1993 to 1997. 1997 to 2005, he was Head of Group Controlling and Head of Group Projects at Stadtwerke Halle GmbH. 2002 to 2008, he was Managing Director of VNG Verbundnetz Gas Verwaltungs- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH in Halle. 2005 to 2013, he was also Managing Director of Stadtwirtschaft GmbH Halle and later Hallesche Wasser und Stadtwirtschaft GmbH.
Till Mansmann
Till MansmannFDP
Till Mansmann, Member of the Bundestag (since 2017), is full member of the Finance Committee and the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development, development policy spokesperson of the FDP parliamentary group, Innovation Officer for Green Hydrogen at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (since August 2022), Deputy Chair of the West Africa Parliamentary Group, Member of the Berlin-Taipei Circle of Friends and the German-South Caucasian Parliamentary Group, President of the German-Armenian Forum and member of the Parliamentary Advisory Council on Population and Development, the Advisory Council of the German Evaluation Institute for Development Cooperation (since October 2018) and the Working Group on World Food Security.
Eva Meyer
Eva MeyerBNP Paribas Group Germany
Eva Meyer (*1985) is Chief Sustainability Officer and responsible for the sustainability activities of the BNP Paribas Group in Germany. She has built a team, which is serving as Center of Expertise for all business units and clients in the German market and is steering the sustainability strategy in Germany. Before, she held various positions in Corporate Banking. Meyer started her professional career in 2005 at Commerzbank AG, and joined BNP Paribas in 2014. She holds a Master’s degree in finance & accounting.
Erik Mundinger
Erik MundingerUmweltbank
Erik Mundinger works in sustainability management at UmweltBank AG. In his role, he is responsible for setting and monitoring the bank’s environmental goals. He studied Sustainable Business Management and through his work, he makes the green bank a little greener every day.
Tariq Noori
Tariq NooriDZ Bank AG
Tariq Noori is head of the group strategy and sustainabilty department at DZ Bank AG and in this role is responsible for sustainability, BVR committee work, M&A and strategic initiatives. Prior to joining the DZ Bank in 2013, he worked for Deutsche Bank for multiple years. Tariq Noori is a certified teacher of commercial subjects and studied at the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University in Frankfurt. Mr. Noori is a member of the sustainability council of the cooperative union. Additionally he is a panel member of the Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster in Germany.
Dr. Michaela Ölschläger
Dr. Michaela ÖlschlägerHamburg Chamber of Commerce
Dr. Michaela Ölschläger heads the „Innovation and New Markets“ division at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce. Her areas of responsibility include the financial and IT sectors, start-ups as well as science policy and transfer. She completed her PhD at the Chair of Economic Policy at the University of Hamburg (dissertation: “Milieus, Lifestyles and Innovation”). Before that, she studied business administration (Dipl.-Kffr.) in Hamburg and agricultural sciences (B.Sc.) in Göttingen.
Dr. Mathias Onischka
Dr. Mathias OnischkaMVV Energie AG
Dr. Mathias Onischka is Head of the Corporate Sustainability Department at MVV Energie AG. He is a proven expert in climate protection and sustainability strategies, corporate management, especially in the context of sustainability and climate protection concepts, sustainable finance, ESG reporting and stakeholder management. With a doctorate in economics and a degree in business administration, he has worked as a financial analyst and advised companies and politicians on environmental, climate and resource protection issues. Since 2010, he has held various expert and management positions at MVV Energie and was working on energy transition topics ranging from renewable energy, energy efficiency, district heating and energy policy. Under Dr. Onischka’s significant leadership, MVV was one of the first companies to fully implement the EU taxonomy and receive top ratings from relevant ESG rating agencies.
Alexander Rasch
Alexander RaschHelaba
Alexander Rasch has been working in the financial sector for more than 20 years. Since 2013, he has been advising Helaba’s corporate clients on financial strategy issues. His current focus is in the area of Sustainable Finance. The aim is to support companies on the path of their sustainability transformation with competent ESG advice and appropriate financing. He regularly contributes his expertise in sustainable financing to various committees and forums. He is also co-author of the book `Corporate Sustainability´.
Dr. Christian Reisinger
Dr. Christian ReisingerConClimate
Christian Reisinger (*1980 in Frankfurt a. M.) holds a doctoral degree in economics and social sciences. With over a decade of experience in sustainability consulting for companies, he specializes in the intersection of sustainability and digitalization. Since 2020, Christian Reisinger has been Managing Director of “ConClimate“ in Munich. He is married and father of three children.
Dr. Manuel Reppmann
Dr. Manuel ReppmannUniversity Hamburg
Manuel Reppmann is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Hamburg. As part of his research, he examines approaches to the sustainability transformation of companies, collaborating with both DAX companies and SMEs on various projects. His research encompasses critical topics, including ESG data, materiality analysis, and the interplay between sustainability reporting and organizational change. In 2022, he received the German Science Award from the EHI Foundation and GS1 Germany. In addition to his academic pursuits, Manuel Reppmann shares his expertise as a freelance consultant for sustainability-related transformation and reporting projects.
Dr. Cornelius Riese
Dr. Cornelius RieseDZ BANK AG
Since January 2019, Cornelius Riese has been Co-Chief Executive Officer of DZ BANK AG, the central institution of all cooperative banks in Germany. Born in Heidelberg in 1975, he studied business administration at the University of Mannheim, graduating with a degree in business administration. In 2005, he obtained his doctorate at the Technical University of Chemnitz.
From 1999 to 2006, Riese worked for Accenture in strategy consulting for financial service providers. In 2007, he joined DZ HYP AG as a division manager. In May 2009, Riese joined DZ BANK AG as divisional head of Central Services Division. Since 2013, he has been a member of the Board of Managing Directors with responsibility for Finance, Strategy and Controlling.
Gunda Röstel
Gunda RöstelStadtentwässerung Dresden & GELSENWASSER
She has been CEO of Stadtentwässerung Dresden GmbH since 2004 and General Manager of GELSENWASSER AG since 2000. She has been also a member of the German Council for Sustainable Development of the German federal government since 2020 and has been the position of Vice Chair since 2023. After studying special education at the University of Rostock, she was party leader of Bündnis 90/DIE GRÜNEN from 1996 to 2000.
Petra Sandner
Petra SandnerHelaba Group
Petra Sandner has been the Helaba Group’s Chief Sustainability Officer since February 2021. Previously, she had been working in the Transport Finance division of Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen (since 2008), during which time she was involved in supporting various strategic projects at the bank. Prior to that, Petra Sandner worked at IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG in the Acquisition Finance department and at Aareal Bank AG in the division of Real Estate Structured Finance/Hotel Finance. She graduated with an MBA from Newcastle, United Kingdom.
Anke Schaks
Anke SchaksERGO
Anke Schaks is a member of the Board of Management of ERGO Deutschland AG.
She is globally responsible for Investment Products as well as Marketing & Customer Experience (CCMO).
Furthermore, she is a member of the ESG Advisory Board of ERGO Group AG.
Anke is a proven financial expert with over 30 years of experience in banking, asset management and insurance.
She has been committed to ESG for many years. In her role as member of the Management Board of MEAG (Munich Re Group) she set a strong focus on the expansion of ESG mutual fund offerings.
Daniel Schmidt
Daniel SchmidtThüringer Aufbaubank
Since 2023 he is head of the public reals estate sector at Thüringer Aufbaubank (TAB). He has been working for TAB since 19 years; the last 9 years in management positions. The educated banker had the focus on: public finance, infrastructure finance, advisory for the public sector and real estate finance. He is also a Certified Sustainable Finance Expert of the Frankfurt Finance School.
Dr. Matthias Schmidt
Dr. Matthias SchmidtDeloitte
Michael Schmidt
Michael SchmidtGreen and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany
Michael Schmidt is managing director of the Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany, Senior Advisor to the Board of LAIQON (previously: Lloyd Fonds) and member of the supervisory board of Anthos Fund & Asset Management. Before, he led investment teams, serving on the executive boards of Lloyd Fonds, Deka Investment and Union Investment, after having managed portfolios at DWS. In a voluntary role, he is a member of the Sustainable Finance Advisory Committee of the German federal government and was a member of the EU Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (“HLEG”).
Elmar Schobel
Elmar SchobelKPMG
After completing his training as a bank clerk and studying business administration at the University of Würzburg, Elmar Schobel has been working in auditing and management consulting since 1992. Specialising in the asset management market, he is responsible for KPMG’s audit services in this sector. Elmar Schobel represents KPMG in various national and international professional committees. He is particularly involved in the Investment Committee of the IdW (FAIN) for the sustainability-related disclosure and transformation topics and has accompanied their high interpretation dynamics for many years.
Johannes Schraps
Johannes SchrapsSPD
After studying political science, Johannes Schraps was a parliamentary assistant in the European Parliament in Brussels from 2011 to 2013. From 2013 to 2017, he was a research assistant in the German Bundestag in the office of Heinz-Joachim Barchmann (SPD), deputy chairman of the European Affairs Committee. He joined the SPD in 1999 and has been a member of the sub-district executive of the SPD Hameln-Pyrmont since 2015. He has been a member of the German Bundestag since October 2017.
Jan Schulte
Jan SchulteFreelance Journalist
Jan Schulte is a freelance journalist and founder of dreimaldrei Journalistenbüro in Cologne. He writes primarily for the Tagesspiegel Background Sustainable Finance. He also reports for Handelsblatt Business Briefing Nachhaltige Investments, Die Zeit, WirtschaftsWoche and Capital. In his articles, he mostly focuses on the various aspects of sustainability. These include the challenges for the financial and real economy to transform, the legislative processes, the handling of financial supervision as well as the perspective of non-governmental organizations.
Georg Schürmann
Georg SchürmannTriodos Bank N.V. Germany
Georg Schürmann has been Managing Director of Triodos Bank N.V. Germany since 2009. In 2014, he assumed sole responsibility for the sustainability bank’s German business. Prior to that, he worked at Deutsche Bank for 20 years. After studying economics in Cologne, he began his career as a trainee at Deutsche Bank in 1989. This was followed by various positions within the Group, including regional manager in Munich. In 2005, he was called to the bank’s headquarters and a year later became a member of the Private Banking Germany management team with responsibility for operations. Georg Schürmann is a member of the Sustainability Advisory Board of Barmenia Versicherung and the Diocesan Asset Management Board of the Eichstätt diocese. He has been a member of the Sustainable Finance Advisory Board of the German government since 2019. There, he chairs the ESG Scale working group.
Bettina Storck
Bettina StorckCommerzbank
Since 2020 Bettina Storck is Head of Group Sustainability Management at Commerzbank AG and therewith responsible for the overarching sustainability strategy of the group. Also in her previous function as project lead within the department Group Strategy, she had already been on duty for sustainability amongst others. Earlier, as a spokesperson in Group Communications, Bettina accounted for issues such as Finance and Strategy. She holds a Master of Arts in Intercultural Communication and European Studies.
Silke Stremlau
Silke StremlauSustainable Finance Advisory Committee of the Federal Government of German
Silke Stremlau has got a senior fellowship from Mercator Foundation and has been the Chairwoman of the Sustainable Finance Advisory Committee of the Federal Government of Germany since 2022. Until summer 2023 she was on the board of Hannoversche Kassen – a sustainable pension fund. Prior to that, she was a general representative at BANK IM BISTUM ESSEN eG. Between 2000 and 2015, she built up and managed the “Sustainable Investment” division as a partner at imug consulting firm. She studied social sciences with a focus on environmental policy and she obtained a degree in banking management.
Dr. Hermann-Josef Tebroke
Dr. Hermann-Josef Tebroke CDU/CSU parliamentary group
After studying business administration and gaining his doctorate, Dr Hermann-Josef Tebroke worked for several years as a research assistant and later as a professor of finance in Augsburg, Münster, Hamburg and Bayreuth. In 2001, he moved with his family to Lindlar in the Bergisches Land region and was mayor there from 2004. In November 2011, he was elected County Commissioner of the Rheinisch-Bergischer district. Since the 2017 Bundestag elections, he has been a directly elected member of the Bundestag for the Rheinisch-Bergischer district.
Alexandra Themistocli
Alexandra ThemistocliSEB Germany
Alexandra Themistocli has been responsible for sustainability at SEB in Frankfurt since 2021. In this position, the certified expert for sustainable finance (CESF) is responsible for all activities in the DACH region relating to strategic ESG advisory for corporate customers and financial institutions.
Her focus is on the development of green and sustainability-linked financing frameworks that support companies in their transformation, as well as on the integration of emerging topics such as water, biodiversity, circularity as well as new EU regulations. She is also the link to the SEB Group, which is considered a pioneer in sustainable financial products.
Alexandra Themistocli has many years of international banking experience from various capital market positions at JP Morgan, Helaba and Dresdner Kleinwort. Most recently, she was Senior Client Executive Financial Institutions at SEB Germany.
Heiko Thoms
Heiko ThomsState Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Finance
Heiko Thoms has been State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Finance since April 2023. He is responsible for financial market politics, European politics and international financial politics. From 2020 to 2023, he functioned as German Ambassador in Brazil; prior to that, he was Deputy Permanent Representative of Germany to NATO and the United Nations. He studied law, Islamic studies and Arabic studies.
Stefan Tidow
Stefan TidowState Secretary at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection
Stefan Tidow has been State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection since 2021. In this, together with Parliamentary State Secretary Dr. Florian Toncar (BMF) he appointed the Sustainable Finance Advisory Council of the Federal Government for this legislative period. Previously, Stefan Tidow was State Secretary in the Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection in the State of Berlin and Permanent Representative of the Plenipotentiaries of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate to the Federal Government and for Europe and Head of the Representation of the State to the Federal Government and the European Union.
Jegor Tokarevich
Jegor TokarevichSubstance Over Form Ltd. (SOF)
Jegor Tokarevich is Managing Director at SOF (Substance Over Form Ltd.) and is responsible for reporting services including ESG for institutional clients such as insurers, banks, pension institutions, asset managers and capital management companies for alternative investments (infrastructure, real estate, private equity, private debt). He leads the EET working group at the Bundesverband Alternative Investments (BAI) and is the initiator of the continuing education program “CAS Alternative Investments & ESG” at the University of Oldenburg.
Dr. Tanja Utescher-Dabitz
Dr. Tanja Utescher-DabitzBundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V.
Business graduate, tax consultant. Studies and doctorate at the Free University of Berlin. Worked for Ernst&Young/EY in Stuttgart for several years. BDEW, where she is responsible for business management issues and digital transformation, among other things. Responsible for the current BDEW project “Capital for the energy transition – How the financing of the energy transition can succeed”
Lennert van Mens
Lennert van MensCommerzbank
Lennert is a Director in Commerzbank’s ESG & Sustainable Finance team and provides tailored advice to clients at the intersection of corporate strategy, sustainability and finance. Previously, he led several strategy projects and the implementation of the ESG-strategy in the Corporate Banking division. From 2005 to 2020, he worked in Leveraged Finance, first at ING and later at GE Capital/SMBC. He started his career at ING Corporate Clients, in account management and business development.
Klaus Vaßen
Klaus VaßenZurich Gruppe Deutschland
Klaus Vaßen is head of the Unit Linked Strategy Platform team at Zurich Gruppe Deutschland. Among other things, this team manages and develops the sustainability and ESG strategies for Zurich’s unit-linked insurance business. He is also a member of Zurich’s European Sustainability Working Group with a focus on sustainability regulation. Klaus Vaßen has been with Zurich Gruppe Deutschland for 14 years in various positions in investment management. Prior to that, he worked for 9 years in wealth management and private banking at Deutsche Bank Group.
Wolfgang Vitzthum
Wolfgang VitzthumCommerzbank
Wolfgang joined Commerzbank’s lending unit to build up ESG advisory capabilities and to promote and structure sustainable transactions in 2022. He and his colleagues provide Corporate Clients with tailored advice and banking solutions on the cross-point of ESG, strategy and finance.
Wolfgang started his career 2005 in the Structured Finance unit of Dresdner Kleinwort, followed by 4 years in Strategic Asset Finance within Debt Capital Markets focusing on transactions in infrastructure and renewable energies.
Andreas von Angerer
Andreas von AngererInyova
Andreas von Angerer, M.A. in Politikwissenschaften an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München und der Universidad de Granada, verfügt über mehr als 10 Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit und nachhaltige Finanzen. Als Head of Impact bei Inyova ist er unter anderem für die Entwicklung und Umsetzung der Active-Ownership-Strategie verantwortlich. Vor seiner Tätigkeit bei Inyova leitete er das globale ESG-Rating-Team als Head of Content Research & Strategy bei ISS ESG.
Jürgen von der Lehr
Jürgen von der LehrING Germany
Jürgen von der Lehr, born in 1972, studied business administration and economics at Universityof Mannheim and received his diploma in 2000.
He began his professional career at Deutsche Bank AG in Mannheim where he completed his training as a banker in 1994 and served as a Credit Analyst parallel to his studies at university. In 2003 he joined BearingPoint GmbH in Frankfurt as a Consultant, being responsible for projects in the area of Commercial and Retail Banking as well as Asset Management.
In 2004 he joined DZ Bank AG as Manager Inhouse Consulting. In 2005 he moved to Warsaw to serve as an Interim COO at DZ Bank Polska S.A. End of 2006 he moved back to Frankfurt to serve DZ Bank as Strategic Business Development Manager, being responsible for strategic and operative development of the Central and Eastern European (CEE) partnerships and shareholdings.
In 2007 he joined A.T. Kearney GmbH in Frankfurt and Dubai office to work on cutting edge strategy projects for leading European and international banks as Senior Consultant.
2010 Jürgen von der Lehr joined Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt. He started as Senior Manager at Group Management Consulting. In 2011 he became Head of Strategy at Deutsche Bank AG, Private & Business Client Division where he was responsible for the strategic agenda and the branch network strategy. 2014 he became Head of Online Brokerage with full business ownership. 2016 he got promoted and became Head of Think Tank, Digital Innovation & Online Brokerage.
2018 he stepped out of the Deutsche Bank AG cosmos and served as Management Consultant / Partner at Oliver Wyman GmbH.
In 2018 Jürgen von der Lehr joined ING-DiBa AG as Head of Daily Banking & Payments, owning end-to-end responsibility for all payment, account, and ecosystem related topics. He successfully developed the strategic roadmap and implemented e.g. mobile payment solutions; new account model plus delivered significant process optimizations. Since July 2020 he is Head of Strategy & Sustainability, responsible for Corporate Strategy, Portfolio Steering, Innovation Management, M&A, Fintech Strategy and Co- operations and Sustainability. In addition, from October 2021 until XXX Jürgen von der Lehr was as Branch Manager of ING-DiBa Austria.
Inga von Holtz
Inga von HoltzUnternehmerTUM
Inga is Director Investments at UnternehmerTUM. In that role she is managing the pre-seed initiative UnternehmerTUM Funding for Innovators which invests in B2B tech start-ups from the UnternehmerTUM ecosystem. The portfolio currently consists of approximately 25 start-ups from many different tech industries with a strong and constantly growing focus on sustainability topics. Before joining UnternehmerTUM in 2020, Inga was with BCG and MAN Truck & Bus (corporate and sales strategy) and did her PhD at the Entrepreneurship Research Institute of TU Munich.
Verena von Ondarza
Verena von OndarzaFreelance Journalist
Verena von Ondarza is an economist and works as a freelance journalist for NDR Info Wirtschaftsredaktion and NDR Investigation. She has been following developments in the sustainable finance sector for many years – explaining and investigating. As part of a fellowship from the Mercator Foundation, Verena von Ondarza has also been working on media coverage around and about sustainable financial products.
Severin Weig
Severin WeigHeidelberg Materials
Mr. Weig has working for Heidelberg Materials AG since December 2012, initially as Treasury Manager and since March 2015 as Director of Group Treasury. Since November 2018, he is also Director for Group Insurance & Corporate Risk, which works intensively on climate risks. Since June 2022 he is member of the Sustainable Finance Advisory Board of the German government. Before Heidelberg Materials AG, he worked in various positions at multinational banks.
Kathleen Weigelt
Kathleen WeigeltVÖB-Service GmbH
Kathleen Weigelt has already been working at VÖB-Service GmbH for 22 years. After training as an office communications clerk at the Federal Association of German Public Sector Banks, VÖB, she worked with the VÖB’s IT department on the move from Bonn to Berlin. In 2001, Ms. Weigelt moved to VÖB-Service GmbH in Bonn as assistant to the management. Since 2008, she has been working in the training department (Academy of Finance since 2010) and took over as head of department in 2021.
Bernd Wendeln
Bernd WendelnBonVenture
Bernd is co-founder and chairman of the advisory board of the single family office of the Wendeln family (WEGA). Since 2000, WEGA has pursued a long-term and diversified investment strategy across various asset classes, with a particular emphasis on alternative investments. In 2003, he collaborated with other families to establish the social venture capital fund, BonVenture, where he holds the position of advisory board chairman. BonVenture specializes in venture investments within the German-speaking region, with a focus on socially and environmentally conscious companies and institutions. In addition, Bernd is one of the co-founders and advisory board members of the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie (SEA) in Munich, a joint venture of Munich universities to promote social entrepreneurship. Bernd also manages his own venture capital firm, WENVEST Capital, with a focus on investments in software companies. Bernd holds an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and is currently Chairman of the European Wharton Alumni Board. Additionally, he actively participates in the Gasteig in Munich, of which he is member of the Board of Trustees.
Incken Wentorp
Incken WentorpZech Group SE
As Head of Corporate Sustainability Development at Zech Group SE, Incken Wentorp is responsible for the Group’s strategic sustainability issues for all business units, i.e. Building, Real Estate and Hotel. Previously, she built up the corporate sustainability department of one of the four largest Auditing companies and worked for several years as a management consultant. As a long-time Scholar of the PeerSchool for Sustainable Development, she regularly shares her expertise in various committees and forums.
Falk Zeuner
Falk ZeunerVEE Sachsen e.V.
Falk Zeuner, born in 1966, is a qualified electrical engineer (HTWK Leipzig). He has been a partner and managing director of the Leipzig-based engineering office for renewable energies – Terrawatt Planungsgesellschaft mbH since 1996, as well as a partner in various project companies for renewable energy plants. In May of this year, he was elected President of VEE Sachsen e.V.
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