6. Sustainable Finance Summit Germany 2022

We are picking up speed! The Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany, together with B.A.U.M. eV and VfU are looking forward to the 6th Sustainable Finance Summit Germany. In presence and digital.

The Summit will take place 14th October, at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. Digital participation is also possible.

Leading topic: transformation finance.

This year, we will discuss transformational finance and how it connects to the core business of financial institutions. We are looking forward to highlighting and discussing the opportunities and challenges of this central dimension of Sustainable Finance together with you.

As you can see from the agenda, we have invited distinguished speakers from the financial sector, the real economy, politics, civil society and academia for this year’s event to ensure a diverse debate. In addition to controversial panel discussions, relevant impulses will be generated in six workshops based on concrete questions and examples.

The workshop topics are:

  • Challenges and core issues of pre-competitive banking alliances – for the success of transformation finance.
  • A sustainable capital market as an ecosystem for transformation finance > Bridge between SFDR and CSRD?
  • Financial risk extreme weather – which world is insurable and to what extent is insurability a must-have for real estate transformation finance?
  • Transformation finance using the example of the food sector. Note: full-day experimental workshop linked to the summit.
  • The scientific perspective on transformation financing and solutions from (financial) economic research.
  • Human resources for transformation finance.

The number of seats is limited. We will therefore record your preference as part of the registration process and send you a confirmation of registration by 23 September.

We look forward to seeing you in October, either on site in Frankfurt or virtually!

Date: 14. October 2022
Time: 9 a.m – 6 p.m.

The conference is currently being planned as a hybrid-event with a hygiene concept for those actively contributing on site. The exact design is of course, and above all, dependent on the prevailing conditions with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic and will be communicated to interested parties and guests during the registration phase and in the immediate run-up to the conference.

The Bundesdeutscher Arbeitskreis für Umweltbewusstes Management (B.A.U.M.) e.V. was founded in 1984 as the first non-partisan environmental initiative of the business community and is today, with almost 700 members, a strong network for sustainable business. B.A.U.M. supports its members in questions of corporate environmental protection and sustainable management. The focus is on practice-oriented exchange of experience and service. Lighthouse projects are the initiatives “Economy pro Climate”, sustainable digital as well as the annual award of the B.A.U.M. | Environment and Sustainability Award.


The VfU is a network of sustainable finance professionals. The association offers a platform for the professional discussion of strategic and practical questions on the topic of sustainable finance.



The 6th Sustainable Finance Summit Germany will be presented in German.

We are pleased to offer you an English translation in the live streaming.

  • Kristina Jeromin info
  • Karsten Löffler info
  • Henrik Ohlsen info
  • Yvonne Zwick info

Moderatorin: Judith Bogner info

Tarek Al-Wazir info
Dr. Anna Lührmann info
Dr. Sabine Mauderer info

Due to its economic capital allocation function, finance plays a central role in financing in almost all sectors. A systematic screening of their financing activities with regard to sectoral transformation pathways would increase both the understanding of the risks of inaction at the corporate level and the potential for impact-oriented financing. The financial sector (both public and private institutions) could take a stronger role in demanding change from their clients and investee companies, as well as a helpful framework from policymakers.


  • Heinrich Baer info
  • Melanie Kehr info
  • Dr. Annegret Saxe info
  • Carolin Schenuit info

Moderatorin: Judith Bogner info

The building sector contributes approx. 16 % to emissions in Germany. The rate of modernisation in the existing building stock must increase from < 1 % to significantly > 2 % p.a. in order to achieve the emissions reduction target. This requires a smooth interaction of the stakeholders. The panel will identify the success factors and describe proposals for overcoming barriers in the interaction of the relevant actors.


  • Brigitte Adam info
  • Stefan Bürger info
  • Lothar Fehn Krestas info
  • Dr. Andreas Gruber info
  • Jan von Mallinckrodt info
  • Dr. Henrik Scheller info

Moderator: Matthias Kopp info

12.30 Lunch break

13.45 Move to workshop rooms/prepare digital login

14.00 Workshops

Self-commitments of banks and financial service providers to Net-Zero signal the ambition to make a proactive contribution to transformation financing. At the same time, it is challenging to effectively shape the path from pre-competitive groundwork of self-determined alliances to their use in the again competitive daily business of the participants.
Based on the approach of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance Germany (NZBAG), the aim of the workshop is to show which challenges and success criteria exist at the level of cooperation given the different starting points and competence profiles of the participants and which topics are being worked on. The work content and results of the NCBAG will be reflected on using the example of the customer dialogue tool.

The initiators are:

  • Jasminka Enderle info
  • Tatjana Gravenstein info
  • Petra Sander info
  • Georg Schürmann info

Moderation: Dr. Tobias Horn info

Moderation: Thomas Mog info

The role of the capital market in the context of targeted transformation financing is significant. The workshop will discuss which instruments and dynamics are available to the capital market to demand and promote close cooperation between the real economy and the financial sector and thus enable and accelerate targeted financing of economic structural change. The various players in the capital market – issuers, investors, financial intermediaries, infrastructure providers, etc. – will be brought into focus and given a chance to speak. The dialogue will focus on the development and innovation potential of the economy as well as on the importance of a coherent policy framework. Actors from the financial sector and the real economy will have the opportunity to present their respective transformation strategies and discuss best practice approaches in the market as well as hurdles and challenges. With regard to the political framework, the following will be discussed
The objectives of the EU Action Plan, the Taxonomy Regulation, the CSRD and MIFID II will be examined to see to what extent the existing legal framework and current regulatory initiatives support the transformative potential of capital structures and where there is room for adjustment and improvement.

The impulse givers are:

  • Victoria Arnold info
  • Dr. Nicolaus Heinen info
  • Katharina Nickel info
  • Lothar Rieth info

Moderation: Nils Hums info

In addition to targeted transformation financing, it will be very important in the coming years to establish resilient strategies for climate adaptation and dealing with extreme weather situations. The workshop will deal with the challenges that can be derived from this for financial market actors, and in particular which expectations arise for banks, real estate owners and financiers as well as insurance companies.
In addition to targeted transformation financing, it will be very important in the coming years to establish resilient strategies for climate adaptation and dealing with extreme weather situations. The workshop will deal with the challenges that can be derived from this for financial market players and, in particular, what expectations will arise for banks, real estate owners and financiers as well as insurance companies.

The speakers are:

  • Dipl. Met. Tobias Fuchs info
  • Oliver Hauner info
  • Dr. Britta Stöver info

Moderatorin: Anja Käfer-Rohrbach info

Stand-alone full-day event linked to the summit, see: https://baumev.de/Events/851/ExperimentalworkshopTransformationsfinanzierungamBeispielderErnhrungsbranche.html
Participation is possible during the 90-minute workshop phase in the afternoon.

Many industries and sectors are in transition, facing numerous challenges and opportunities related to digitalisation, decarbonisation, greening, regionalisation of production chains, circular economy, more sustainable production and consumption patterns, environmental protection and biodiversity. In order to manage the necessary transformation, larger sums of funding are required that cannot be shouldered by the economy alone.

Transformation finance” is the new buzzword for the financial sector. Under the influence of the new EU taxonomy regulation, capital flows are to be channelled into sustainable economic activities in order to promote the reduction of environmentally harmful greenhouse gases and the transformation of all economic sectors towards a sustainable mode of production. Sustainability has thus already become a criterion of risk management in the financial industry and will redefine the rules of the game around lending, risk management and banking operations.

The Experimental Workshop:
How do we implement the necessary transformation financing together? What changes does this bring for banks and credit institutions? What is the need for transformation financing in the agricultural and food transition and how do we bring together the food and finance worlds around sustainable projects?

The impetus for this will be provided by:

  • Nicolas Barthelmé info
  • Kristina Bell info
  • Patrick Bottermann info
  • Jan Gerdts info
  • Fenja Meiners info
  • Corinna Weinmiller info

Moderator: Michael Kuhndt info

The high urgency of moving away from the use of fossil energies in the 2020s and achieving an ecological transformation requires that all actors (especially politics, companies and the financial sector) focus on measures that contribute to this as efficiently as possible. Science can make a valuable contribution to the question of how measures, strategies and instruments contribute to the development of the transformation, how they work and how impact and risks can be measured and controlled. In the workshop, scientists from various disciplines will contribute their perspectives and latest findings on how transformation financing can succeed on a large scale and how challenges can be dealt with.

Impulses will be provided by academics with relevant research areas:

  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Bassen info
  • Dr. Julia Bingler info
  • Prof. Dr. Timo Busch info
  • Prof. Dr. Marco Wilkens info

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Lopatta info

The ecological transformation is affecting all areas of the economy – and all areas within an organisation. Therefore, the gap in competences and skills of employees in banks and financial service providers, among others, for transformation financing is currently correspondingly large. This is one of the biggest challenges for the implementation of sustainable financing in the broader day-to-day business. Experts from teaching and practice will contribute to the workshop on how they integrate sustainability into further education and recruiting and how the necessary personnel capacities can be built up with foresight.

The speakers are:

  • Guido Baur info
  • Stefan Geib info
  • Anja Link info
  • Tariq Noori info

Moderation: Christian Klein info

15.30 Coffee break and return to the plenary session

16.00 Summary of the workshop contents and outlook

Silke Stremlau info
  • Kristina Jeromin info
  • Karsten Löffler info
  • Henrik Ohlsen info
  • Yvonne Zwick info

5. Sustainable Finance Summit Germany 2021
– Strong inputs towards Berlin

In 2021, numerous impulses were given for sustainable finance in Germany: in February, the German government’s Sustainable Finance Advisory Council communicated its recommendations for a German sustainable finance strategy. The German government subsequently published 26 measures in May.

In addition to the question of whether the measures are sufficient to make Germany a leading sustainable finance location, the focus of the summit held (just three weeks after the German parliamentary elections) was on articulating key issues on the agenda of the new federal government.

Accordingly, the program took up important topics that are currently preoccupying politics, business, science and society. As in previous years, the GSFCG was keen to give all stakeholders a place at the conference and have their contributions integrated. The Workshop formats was devised to foster interaction and allow for in-depth discussions alongside high-level panel discourses.

The public parts of the conference and the debates can be followed here via the following links: