Bridging the worlds - Interaction of real and financial economy

November 16 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Bertelsmann Foundation, Haus Berlin, Werderscher Markt 6, 10117 Berlin Hybridveranstaltung

The aim of the Sustainability Transformation Monitor (STM) is to empirically assess and track the sustainability transformation of the German economy over time. A particular focus lies on the interaction between the real economy and the financial sector in the transition toward more sustainable and resilient economic structures. In this event, we will provide initial insights into the results of this year’s survey. We will especially discuss what companies in the real economy and financial institutions (especially banks) expect from each other for successful transformation financing and how collaborative efforts in line with the SDGs can be shaped.

10:00 a.m. Registration
10:30 a.m. Welcome

  • Jakob Kunzlmann, Bertelsmann Foundation
  • Kristina Jeromin, Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany
10:40 a.m. ESRS as a common language of the real and financial economy – a balance between complexity and pragmatism

  • Prof. Dr. Kerstin Lopatta, EFRAG/Universität Hamburg
10:55 a.m. STM24 – Latest findings on the interaction of real and financial economy

  • Prof. Laura Edinger-Schons, Universität Hamburg
  • Dr. Manuel Reppmann, Universität Hamburg
11:15 a.m. Bridging the Worlds – Opportunities and challenges of transformation financing from different perspectives

  • Prof. Dr. Kerstin Lopatta, EFRAG/Universität Hamburg
  • Alexander Rasch, Helaba
  • Dr. Matthias Onischka, MVV Energie
  • Incken Wentorp, Zech Group

Moderation: Jakob Kunzlmann

12:15 p.m. Get-together & lunch
Prof. Dr. Laura Marie Edinger-Schons
Prof. Dr. Laura Marie Edinger-SchonsUniversity Hamburg
Laura Marie Edinger-Schons is a Professor of Sustainable Business at the University of Hamburg and also serves as the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) of the University of Hamburg. Her research focuses on how organizations, both for-profit and nonprofit, can contribute to sustainable development in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Her work has been published in prestigious academic journals and has received numerous awards. In 2019, she was named one of the Top 40 under 40 by the magazine Capital.
Kristina Jeromin
Kristina JerominGreen and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany
Kristina Jeromin is Managing Director of the Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany. She worked for Deutsche Börse Group from 2009 to 2020, where she was initially responsible for internal and external communication on sustainability issues. Since 2015 she acted as Head of Group Sustainability and was responsible for the group-wide sustainability management of the company, in its roles as an international capital market organizer and as listed DAX company. Since 2018 Kristina Jeromin is Managing Director of the Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany. She is member of the Sustainable Finance Advisory Board of the German Federal Government and was its Vice Chair from 2019 until 2021. Kristina Jeromin is also member of the German Society of the Club of Rome.
Jakob Kunzlmann
Jakob KunzlmannBertelsmann Foundation
Jakob Kunzlmann is head of the Sustainable Value Creation unit in the Sustainable Business Project at the Bertelsmann Foundation. He is responsible for studies on sustainability reporting, business transformation, and impact measurement & valuation. He has worked in policy consulting and academia on CSR and sustainability and loves to travel in the mountains.
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Lopatta
Prof. Dr. Kerstin LopattaUniversity of Hamburg
Kerstin Lopatta is Chair Professor of Financial Accounting, Auditing and Sustainability at the University of Hamburg. Furthermore, she is affiliated with City University of Hong Kong as a visting professor. She received her doctoral degree from Goethe University Frankfurt. Kerstin has extensive experience in sustainability reporting and financial accounting in practice and research. Before starting her scientific career, she worked as an audit assistant for Deloitte. She is the vice chair of the EFRAG SRB and a member of the Sustainability Reporting Technical Committee of the ASCG. She is on the Sustainable Finance Committee of the German Ministry of Finance and co-reviewed the adaptation of the German Sustainability Code to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the EU Taxonomy. During her career Kerstin completed several international research stays including at City University of Hong Kong, New York University’s Stern School of Business, and Copenhagen Business School. In her research, she investigates empirically the effects of environmental, social, and governance factors on business and society. She also covers corporate governance topics such as board structure and diversity. Her work is published in top tier journals like The Accounting Review, Strategic Management Journal and European Accounting Review. Kerstin Lopatta is member of the supervisory board at EQS Group AG, Freenet AG, EUROKAI GmbH & Co. KGaA and chair of the audit committee at EQS Group AG.
Dr. Mathias Onischka
Dr. Mathias OnischkaMVV Energie AG
Dr. Mathias Onischka is Head of the Corporate Sustainability Department at MVV Energie AG. He is a proven expert in climate protection and sustainability strategies, corporate management, especially in the context of sustainability and climate protection concepts, sustainable finance, ESG reporting and stakeholder management. With a doctorate in economics and a degree in business administration, he has worked as a financial analyst and advised companies and politicians on environmental, climate and resource protection issues. Since 2010, he has held various expert and management positions at MVV Energie and was working on energy transition topics ranging from renewable energy, energy efficiency, district heating and energy policy. Under Dr. Onischka’s significant leadership, MVV was one of the first companies to fully implement the EU taxonomy and receive top ratings from relevant ESG rating agencies.
Alexander Rasch
Alexander RaschHelaba
Alexander Rasch has been working in the financial sector for more than 20 years. Since 2013, he has been advising Helaba’s corporate clients on financial strategy issues. His current focus is in the area of Sustainable Finance. The aim is to support companies on the path of their sustainability transformation with competent ESG advice and appropriate financing. He regularly contributes his expertise in sustainable financing to various committees and forums. He is also co-author of the book `Corporate Sustainability´.
Dr. Manuel Reppmann
Dr. Manuel ReppmannUniversity Hamburg
Manuel Reppmann is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Hamburg. As part of his research, he examines approaches to the sustainability transformation of companies, collaborating with both DAX companies and SMEs on various projects. His research encompasses critical topics, including ESG data, materiality analysis, and the interplay between sustainability reporting and organizational change. In 2022, he received the German Science Award from the EHI Foundation and GS1 Germany. In addition to his academic pursuits, Manuel Reppmann shares his expertise as a freelance consultant for sustainability-related transformation and reporting projects.
Incken Wentorp
Incken WentorpZech Group SE
As Head of Corporate Sustainability Development at Zech Group SE, Incken Wentorp is responsible for the Group’s strategic sustainability issues for all business units, i.e. Building, Real Estate and Hotel. Previously, she built up the corporate sustainability department of one of the four largest Auditing companies and worked for several years as a management consultant. As a long-time Scholar of the PeerSchool for Sustainable Development, she regularly shares her expertise in various committees and forums.
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